Brake problem?

I am such a dumbass. I am ashamed to say I even tried to build a car.

I went out tonight and had another go at the truck. I started looking at the tires. WTF is going on with the front left, it just didn't look right. Camber was way off, in at the top. Got the jack out, lifted up the truck, checked the wheel and low and behold, the thing wobbled something fierce. You got it, the hub was shot. I have seen bad hubs before and even replaced a few but nothing like this. There were no bearing rollers left in it. What surprises me the most is there was no sound and the truck didn't drive any different. I replaced the hub and went for a drive. Bingo, no more brake problem. To top it all off, the truck didn't feel any different other than the brakes. I have never seen anything like it and hope I never do again.

I am such a dumbass at times.
