My boy's happy Mom's NOT!!

My brother used to race motorcross but after braking his finger, collar bone, arm, and rupturing his spleen and havng it removed he just rides for fun now.
I ride a 730 Raptor and a 06 Suzuki 450 out in Glamis. Thats a lot of fun. I did bash my chin one time. 6 stitches and $1200 bucks latter.

My dad used to race three wheelers back in the early 80's. He has some nice scars to show and good storys to tell.

So ya mom should be worried but thats what moms do. Gavin will have a lot of fun. I know my dad brother and I do.

Here is a pic of my dad. This is takin from the center fold of a three wheller
mag. Thats why that line is in the middle.

and a pic o my chin.

