Please read this and give me your opinion

After re-reading you initial post, you state two reasons you are thinking of moving your car.

Financial. If this is your primary reason, are you desperate for the money? Or are you thinking the extra cash would be nice? For a time in my life, I was desperate for cash, but I kept my projects, paying for storage etc. Money issues often resolve themselves and then you will have the ability to work on her.

Interest. If you have no interest in getting her done, and dont feel you ever will have the interest, then keeping it around will become a burden. I never lost the interest although my priorities pulled me away from the hobby for a number of years. If you think you might want to do it someday, keep it. If you're sure you won't want to, then sell.

As far as parting or complete.. it's your call. I'm sure many (myself included) would rather save original 340 & big block A-bodies, but if you think you can get more by selling it piece-by-piece, do what you need to do.

Personally, I couldn't part it down, which explains my collection of projects, but it's my desire to fix them that prevents it, with no desire, it's just a bunch of money sitting there.
