Some paint questions for the guys who know paint

It isn't the body, I work it until it's straight as a die, it's the clear, most people I've talked to get the dreaded Urethane Wave, even when you flow coat. Not really on hoods and other flat areas where I guess it can flow out better. What type of clear do you use? I use Dupont Chroma Premier, very high solids I guess, probably a contributing factor

Yeah, I know what your talking about. I used to get them years ago. But I haven't for years now, and it's because how I have changed my way of prepping and painting. I know it's a lot of work, but if you do what I do, you wont get the dreaded Urethane Wave.

I use PPG products. My clear of choice is DCU 2021, and that is a high solids clear also.

I hope this helps!