
As I explain to my customers before I do an appraisal. Just because you dumped close to 80 grand in parts, time and materials into your 74 pinto doesn't mean that it is WORTH 80 grand. It may be worth a lot more than most 74 pintos but it still isn't worth what or anywhere close to what you have in to it. Most of them understand but every now and then you get some "gold chainer" with is out of the box tri-five chevy or store bought 32 ford that he thinks is cool because he won a trophy at the local weekly podunk burger joint show and you get to really burst his bubble...and he pays you for it!

Oh, and that 74 pinto? Yeah it was really nice, the owner was cool as hell, it is a 1- condition, been invited twice to the Seattle rod and custom show and he drives it!
