67 Dart Armrest Pads

Thanks 64dart170!
I am interested in the backs. I would like to keep my chrome ash tray in them-just because it original, if not, I will just get another set of fronts.

I appreciate your effort. My bases are really in good shape. I had to do a little epoxy repair on the inside ribs of one of the backs but other than that they are still in good condition. I just finished sanding them after 3 coats of black Krylon Fusion paint. Two more coats of paint should do it. My pads are crack and falling apart. Again, thanks.


Backs only, no ash trays using yours, no bases needed. I think the ones in the garage are extras from ABodyBetty's car. No cracks I think. I'll clean them tomarrow and post a pic. What's your zip and I'll get estimate on postage? Got access to a couple other 67 parts cars too, if mine aren't good I'll get ya covered.