Ross' Aspen

thats a good point they typically rusted...
mine rusted like an A body but now that I think about it the fenders rusted too so I just got lucky that the floors and trunk and extensions were mint and that the 1/4s weren't too bad.

That's the one bad thing about the F-bodies. If you live in the snow belt areas like I do they seem to have been made with sheetmetal that dissolved in water. Gorgeous little cars, when done right, like you are with yours, and very underappreciated, even within the Mopar circles. Granted they were built during the decline of Chrysler pre-Iaccoca and during the smog area, but we have ways of remedying that, like you're showing.
Any plans with suspension upgrades? I'm finally gonna get my joint (co-ownership with my dad) M-body into my garage this weekend and may start posting pics of that in this forum as I start bringing it back to life. It's already got the rear cop sway bar and the big brakes out back. The cop box upfront, but will be installing the aluminum K-frame biscuits, tweaking the rear leaf rubbers, etc. What route were you thinking?