I'm Thinking of Selling the Ramcharger...

Good luck on the sale. Good luck on the job hunt. Prayers for your mom. Keep the chin up on the job hunt. I just got a phone call from a dealership I applied to via website back in March and interviewing Monday. They are out there. Sometimes just takes long while for 'em to figure out what's going on.

Thanks ramenth. :)


My wife just survived pancreatic cancer. If they caught it early then there is a good chance. It also depends if it is limited to one specific area of the organ. I most certainly will add your mom to my prayers. My wife is 57. How old, if I may ask, is your mom?


She's 87 and has a pacemaker. She's lived a good long life but she still has plenty of spunk. They have a few more surgeries to do so I won't really know more for a couple of weeks.