Florida Paint Regulations !!

What kills me is the idea that the "common good" must be adhered to while the idea of individual freedoms takes a pass, all the while they also show the opposite in saying that an individual has a "right" to do other certain things and that there is no moral absolute. But I digress...
A good HLVP has what, 80-85% transfer rate? Fifteen percent of airborne VOC's isn't much and a good booth with an exchange rate of say 15-20 times a minute with proper filters isn't going to let those VOC's reach the atmosphere as we know it.
Once upon a time, here in upstate NY, you could spray in a homemade booth as long as it was ventilated right, meaning filters on the exhaust coming out of the booth and stacks above the peak of the building for airflow and mixture. DEC would come out, test the exhaust, and give a spray permit which cost $300 every two years. A friend of mine still has his tested periodically and pays for the permit. Local codes usually just said that it had to be made of a fireproof material, ie: concrete blocks (like his, built into the building when the building was built), sheetmetal, like most, or even 2X4 studding and two layers of 1/2" drywall covering. Most municipalities now, have just grandfathered in the older ones, but for expendiency sake have it written in a UL approved manufactured paint booth. And like Adam has pointed out, airflow is critical in w/b, so how many will be forced to upgrade? And who gets the sales tax money, the permit money? It won't be us in the job, that's for sure.
Believe me folks, this isn't about the environment, it's about who controls what and whom. Point in case: the water run off from LA, San Fran, etc, has put a giant pile of plastic floating in the middle of the Pacific between Hawaii and CA. Once this plastic starts to break down it will contaminate most of the western oceans, but instead of spending the money to take care of that, CA wants to regulate black paint and sunroofs? And spend billions which they don't have to repave their highways to slate gray?
And once CA starts doing this then states like FL, NY, MA start following suit.