Save Ramcharger's Ramcharger...

"Heavenly Father we have come together for this honorable man over this past weekend to give a friend some hope and renewed spirit. Through the actions and contributions of the folks who gather here all have seen that the human spirit is alive and well with the intentions of following the deeds that Christ has taught us through His life and death and resurrection. We pray for Joe and ask that Your guiding hand lead him through this time of waiting. This time of waiting to be with his mother again, this time of waiting as so many millions of our fellow countrymen and women are waiting for a renewal of jobs and financial stability. We pray for Joe's mother, that she be in good spirits and that Your hand be on her in this time of illness. We pray that when the time comes for Joe to make his trip that you will be with him to see him safely on his way.
We pray that Your guidance continues to bring forth the Spirit in our brothers and sisters to continue to help as we can, to continue to pray as we can. In situations like this You always seek out and bring forth those who are willing and able to show our Faith,our human kindness to towards our fellow man, and our ability to work with others to bring joy and hope into a world that seems to lack it. There are so many in this world, Father. We pray for the continuance of ministries which show our Faith in works, we pray for good people who are enthusiastic and exhuberant about loved ones like Joe, we pray for those who come here on a daily basis for fellowship, we pray that communities like this one continue to exist, communities that exist not in a traditional manner, but ones where even strangers can be friends and bring the world one step closer to knowing each other.
In Jesus' name we pray."

I can't help financially, but I have a lot of the above and more like it in me, Joe.

I second that. Amen.