sand blasting????????

I would absolutely not sandblast the whole car. I've had a few friends who had it done on muscle cars and hot rod bodies by pros who said they knew how to do it without warping, all with negative results. Media blasting is so popular now for that very reason its safe but doesn't remove rust very well, and if you are a do it yourselfer I have a couple of suggestions. There are some fairly easy ways to remove paint off large panels either with a commercial paint stripper or with a disc called Rapid Strip (made by Norton)that goes on an angle grinder and removes the old paint and bondo but doesn't grind through the metal. For small curvy areas with nooks and crannys and for rust you can sand blast since these areas (door pillars/edges of doors/inside edges of wheel wells etc.) have more strength in them and are not prone to warpage. Panel warpage from sand blasting is not just from heat buildup but is from the peening action of the sand particles. Imagine beating on a piece of sheet sheet metal with thousands of tiny hammers, the panel actually stretches causing the warpage. BTW I am not a bodyman and my experience is from doing my share of projects over the years, I purchased a pressure tank style offshore sandblaster with 2 compressors connected with a T fitting to get enough air flow for the blaster, works pretty damn good. Invested in some inexpensive equipment and invested the time and still have the equipment, just my 2 cents. Kev