Arab drifting?

You know we are not calling them all "terrorists" but who are killing our soldiers right this very second. Well it just happens to be Arabs. And like you said not all Arabs are terrorists, but the ones that "help" us during the day over in the Middle East are the same ones that are selling information to the terrorists at night. And then people say what about the women and kids. Well guess what they love to blow up their women and children just to kill soldiers I had a good friend get shot by a kid no older then 12 years old. So to me none of them are innocent. Don't mean to offend but this is my opinion if you don't like it don't read it.

Then leave. No one invited us there anyway. Both my Son and Daughter served in Iraq as linguists, my Son in Afghanistan also. My daughter was wounded by friendly fire by a bunch of morons that should never have been allowed into the military, much less carry weapons. We were after Bin Laden. Where is he, do you see his head on a pole anywhere? BS, its about power, control, and money. Iraq never should have been. A lot of our soldiers lost their lives for an ego trip by a ignorant president! If some country had troops in your home town, kicking in doors and walking around like they owned the place you would fight back too, in any way you could. I understand where they are coming from. Yankee go home would be putting it mildly. And before anyone calls me a wimp, or anti-war democrap, I retired from the Army after 21 years as a Master Sergeant. I have 2 purple hearts and still carry around pieces of crap in my body from close encounters with things that go bang. When a war is needed, go at it but don't just start one to show how big your balls are because there are a lot of ways to get castrated!!!