Barracuda road trip 09

thanks for the inspiration I've been sitting here trying to decide if I'm going to the Mansion or not { I swore for three years I would only go if I can drive the Cuda } and with this probably being the last chance year I gotta try so L.A look-out I'm coming next month this is just the thread I needed to see :cheers:

Thats what I like to hear. Just go for it.
I sold a rusty 72 Charger for $1,500.00 to fund my trip. I had that car a long time and will miss it. Even though it sat out at my dads for the last 14 years, sometimes they grow on ya.
I think this trip was worth it. I had the time, had the cash and not tied down. No wife and kids, not even a girlfriend :-D. Just me and my wheels! So why not go!?