People knitpicking your car.

Its OK.....They probably all own Camaro's so it's the P thing......Plymouth envy

Pretty much every car show I've gone to, I had at least one pair of toothless redneck dudes come up and say "What model is this?"

I say "Barracuda".

They say "NO!, what M-o-d-e-l?"

I say "Barracuda."

Then their friend chimes in..."W-h-a-t M-o-d-e-l?"

I then say slowly as I grab the 8x10 car show card off the dash and show them as I point...."The (make) is Plymouth,....... the (model) is Barracuda,...... and the (year) is 1967."

Then they both go "Ahhhhhhh, I thought so."

Funny stuff.