What does Formula-S stand for

The S in formula S stands for .... Scott I am not old enought to remeber any of the great races that Ma mopar got herself into, however with the great power of film and now with Internet:cheers: I can travel back in history and see some of the greats at work I.E. a young engineer by the name of Scott Harvey that liked to race in his spare (or not so spare time).
Would have thought some of you old timers would have known this :happy10: but I do understand cars were not the only thing back then that really had pure power to it heh. Crazy idea though to incorprate your name in the badging of a performance vehicle backt then, Im sure no one did that.... M/T... Hurst...Shelby......

I`ve read that too but never anywhere that had any legitimacy so I don`t know whether to believe it or not.