My buddy is at a crossroad, what do you think ?

We've restored cars for years, in fact we had a shop called Redline Restorations, so actually doing the work isn't the problem. When we were in the garage last night, I said to him "if you could have any 3 cars, what would they be". Without hesitation, he said '69 Charger, '68 Firebird and ''68 Shelby. I said what about the '68 GTO you have sitting in your driveway, he goes, well...I'm kinda over that one, but I had so long, how to I sell it now ?

As far as keeping cars in the family, if the car was given to him by his dad or another family member, I'm sure he would keep it. However, this car has no ties to his family line...other than sitting at his house for 23 years.