Mental Ward Breakdown

A man was driving down the road when out of nowhere the back of his car fell to the ground . Stunned by this occurance he suddenly realized what happened when he saw the wheel of the car pass him and role down the street . He looked around and noticed that he was in front of a mental ward . He had a very uneasy fealing run over him but he knew he had to get out and check out the damage . There was only one man standing out front so he figured his chances of survival were good and he proseeded to get out and take a look . after examining the rear studs he was surprised to find that the threads were in good enough shape that he could just put the wheel back on and go , so he walked down to the end of the block to retrieve the wheel and bring it back to the car . He then started walking back and forth trying to find the lug nuts that seemed to disappear . After a long and unsuccessful search , he looked up and was startled by the man that used to be in front of the ward . The strange man stared at him for a minute then asked "what are you looking for"? After regaining his composer he replied "I'm looking for the lug nuts off my car". The strange man looked at him with a puzzled expression then said "why don't you just take one lug nut off of the other three wheels so that you can make it home"? He thought about it for a minute and realized that it would work . He thanked the man for the idea and started to walk back to his car but stopped when he became a little curious . He went back and asked the strange man "out of curiousity why are you standing in front of a mental ward "? Thats when the strange man grinned and said "I'm crazy , not stupid".