AAR Fiberglass screwed up

AdamR said
Another update.

AAR told me I need to remove the tapping plates from my old deck lid to put in the new glass one. I stopped at the garage yesterday to pick a few things up and checkk the old deck lid. The tapping plates are not removable ! They are spot welded inside the bracing. After checking the Factory service manual it looks like they are removable from Coupes and Verts but not from Fastbacks. So it looks like if you have one of there glass trunk lids you will need to buy a set of tapping plates from a coupe or Vert trunk lid.

Hmmm, that sucks. I wish I had some extra plates but mine just came right out, sorry you didn't have the swap as easy as I did. I just looked in my Year One catalog on a whim to see if they have one, but it doesn't look like they carry them. Let me know who has them if you find any companies that sell them, but I doubt anyone will make them.