Indy/RHS Heads

I bought the Iron Rams for my 408 project about a year ago before I ever heard of the ones you have. Don't know how much diff is between them but I did notice what Bobby said about how there is a pretty big ridge in there where they opened them up to 2.02 valves. Did Hughes have anything to say about the diff between the 2 heads or did you even ask? I bet the girdles will greatly improve the strength. Even though I'm not going real big on the cam I'm gonna run girdles just for peace of mind. I'm at a stand still on my project due to money. Wish I had the money to send mine down to Bobby but I'll probably just do what I can myself and have my local guy flow them to make sure I did ok.

I didn't order them they were ordered by Mad Dart and sent to me from them so I didn't talk to anyone there.