Schumacher /6 to V8 Conversion Kit Group buy!

Did you think that MAYBE, PERHAPS, QUITE POSSIBLY they got in in the mail right after you called???? hmm???

Did I not mention that the Canadian M/O's took a couple days to clear? I thought that would tell you that it took a bit longer to the order to be sent, since I needed the money to clear first. Remember I said, "at least a couple days is better then a couple weeks!"

Mr. Schumacher ask if he should call you, I said no, I'm a big boy that I would take care of it. I was just tiring to make it easier for him... My mistake.

with all do respect, did you read this? Do you think I just made it up?

"I talked to Mr. Schumacher, and he did get the orders. He even thanked me for making things simple as possible for him. He told me that shipments will start Tuesday... BUT there are some parts that they are short of so depending on what was ordered... It could be luck of the draw who gets who's first.

I do however need phone numbers for all Canada orders. It is mandatory for Canadian Shipments. I did not know that??"

Now please, drop it.
I'm confused. Lets inform everyone involved on what the group buy status is. What exactly "got in the mail" right after I called Schumacher? If he is shipping Tuesday I assume he must have the money already. True? If you inform us all of what is going on then we won't have to guess. Thanks.