1500USD to build as much horse in a 360 as possible. What would you do?

Oh but thats just the point! At the moment i really doesn't know what stuff are in it! The car is 1200 kilometers away, I'm going to get it next week. It's a '66 Dodge Dart Gt. Obviously not stock engine, the carb is atm a 2 port whatever. The car runs like **** because of poor carb settings. My guess is that the engine is an early one.

I've thought of the exhaust a bit and at least on my old volvo engines (don't know if it's comparable) but the only thing that did any real difference to those were headers but 550USD for headers to the dart seem *a bit* expensive, any other solutions?

My guess is that the engine has NEVER seen any kind of restoration or repairs since it's been cruised by 18year olds since it was put in the car some twentyish years ago.

Best Wishes