Ever get sick of being the family and neighborhood mechanic?

I am tired of my wifes family bringing over their cars for me to fix. I guess that I am too nice and I does save them money, but I don't have enough time to work on my own cars. My sister-in-law dropped off her POS Chevrolet Celebrity while I was at work. WTF?
Today my neighbor who is the Chief of Police here asked me to look at his sons car. Ughh! It was an easy fix and he was happy. I guess it is good to keep the chief happy. Could come in handy some day. Any of you in the same postition? What do you do? Just ranting.

It can be that way, daunting to say the least. When I was fed up from the neck up, I would kindly but yet firmly make a mention to some of the "Offenders" that like to think I'm there personal mechanic or have nothing better to do, that it's my day off and since I'm not getting payed or want pay, take it else where thank you very much.

And OH! Stop assuming !!!!!!!