Camaro site debates mopar vs chevy

This is "true" in some ways, but its also "true" that the youth think the elders don't know anything (because there not hip or cool), what comes around, goes around lol. Seriously, I myself (when i was younger) had that "mopar or no car" & chevy & ford are junk additude, but as i've gotten older, i've calmed down, & realized its all about how you present yourself as a person, if you have "additude", you will find conflict, when your young, your full of fire & want to make your point made, as you age, it really doesn't matter, i've been around cool mopar/ford/chevy people, but i've run into buttholes too, youth hang with youth, middle age hang with middle age, old folks think we're all crazy, & i can see why as i get older, i'm 45 years old, i'm starting to realize that what really matters in my life is God/children & somethings just aren't worth fighting/argueing about, don't get me wrong, i still have alittle fire & act'ed up every now & then, & i do like the younger crowd too, there is a song that says it all, its about a younger guy that met an old man sitting at a bar, the old man had a story to tell about what he's come to realize in his years on this earth, the funny thing was, because that young guy took the time to listen too this old man, he left him his fortune, so the next time your at the bar (or anywhere for that matter) & see a lonely old man, you might just want to sit down & chat lol.

"God is great, Beer is good, & people are CRAZY"!!

That song you are talking about is "people are crazy" and its by billy currington .....and yes its a good song.....I am in my 20's and I still have that younger attitude in a way.....but after becoming a family man,you calm down quite a bit. And I find my self hanging out at a restaraunt for example and seeing the annoying punk kids and there all being immature or bragging about this or that or how much money they have invested into there little tuner cars and how much money they spent having someone build there car for them and what have you.......and I just wanna get up and smack em lol.....they are missing the point,its not just about how much money is invested or how much horse power you have.....its about building memories and taking pride in your work and owning a piece of history.

When I was younger,when I seen an older lonely looking guy sitting down to eat I wouldnt think twice about it......I was the punk A$$ kid at the other table he wanted to get up and smack LOL.......but now a days.....when things liek that,you take the time to think about a little bit...take that time to make small talk or give a wave or even a comment about the weather lol..... the point is....there are much better things to devote your attention to then the stupid things like argueing over what brand of car is better lol....they all had there share of good cars and they had there share of bad...just like has been said above,whats the point in all the arguing it will get you nowhere......even more so over the internet,that is unless of coarse you have made arrangments to kick someones *** vie email LOL....seriously. take your energy used for arguing and put it forth into the mopar community to help answer questions or talk about your ride or whatever...anyhow. those are my thoughts on it