Ran my 318 barracuda down the dragstrip yesterday

GoodysGotaCuda said
Oh wow, you had a second wortha tools and junk! thats a lottta stuff :notworth: Can you post the slip or just the times? just curious to take a look :thumblef:

I had a tool box, fire extinguisher, spare and jack, spare parts and cleaning supplies in the trunk.

I wish I had wider tires and a lower diff like yours..now I have to decide,
Do I go for racing with it? or just leave it alone and drive?
Think I will leave it be, don't have any more $$ to spend on it these days.
Don't have a scanner, but, I will put the slips in the car for show an tell later. Don't know when I will be able to get back to the track,but, I can't wait. :thumblef:
It was the most fun I ever had with my clothes on.