My Wife Left Me Today -sucks

As bad as it may feel now….. It is for the best.

It's like the old girlfriend I had…. We were even engaged…. I was soooo in love…. So in love I didn't even realize how shtitty my life was.

She got drunk every day and I loved her….

She lied all the time and I loved her….

She cheated and I loved her….

She left me for another man and I still loved her…..

I looked for another woman to fill her place…. even though I still loved her….

Then one day I pulled my head out of my ***…. This moment of enlightenment came one day when I was watching TV… I was sitting in my underwear scratching my balls, drinking a beer and enjoying the sound and smell of my own farts. No joke.

My life was great…. I mean really, really great…. It was at that point that I truly realized how crappy and chaotic my life had been with her and what a disaster the relationship was…

I ran into her about a year later…. Her new husband was in Iraq. She asked me out for a drink and started the same old sweet talk…. I just walked away.