My Wife Left Me Today -sucks

I think KP said it best in his insight thread I have been enjoying

quote= "I am grateful for all of my problems. After each one was overcome, I became stronger and more able to meet those that were still to come. I grew in all my difficulties."
-- J.C. Penney, businessman

And like said before, Good thing she did not wait 10 years down the road to pull this **** on you and your life with your son
Hold your ground and at my house the door swings one way baby, you leave you are gone, nothing is worse then having a two faced beeatch in your life.
Sorry so harsh but I seen a few good friends waist 10 years of there life to a womwen that is never satisfied, They are one person around you and then some one els when they walk out the door.
Hang in there and watch out for your self first, sweet talk melts away as soon as it rains.