My Wife Left Me Today -sucks

My first wife went home with a guy she met in a bar that she went to with some "friends". We were married 6 months. About the time I got over that I met my second wife. We cohabitated for 2 1/2 years, had a little girl, had been married for 6 months, and as far as I knew were as happy as clams. Then one day I came home early from work without calling and there was a strange car in my driveway (white International Scout II with fake woodgrain) and my new best friend was in my house banging her blind. She is now on husband number 7 and no doubt has number 8 in reserve. 15 years later I met Mary and 9 years after that I married her. All the heartache and grief I went through with the 2 losers was suddenly worth it because it prepared me to recognize and cherish a truly good woman when I saw her. We have been married 2 years now and with God's grace will be together for a long time to come.
You'll get over this and with God's help you will find a keeper and know true happiness. At least that is what I am praying will happen to you.