My Wife Left Me Today -sucks

73dart360, I can feel your hurt. I've been through it...more than once. In my last marriage, I lost everything I had. You wouldn't believe the nasty things she did to me and she was the one that was unfaithful. The custody battle for my two beautiful daughters left me totally broke. The judge gave her everything she asked for and ordered me to pay $675 a month in child support and all medical. There were times I went days without food just to have enough money put together for a weekend visit. For a while, I was homeless, staying in my Dodge B-300 van with my wonderful dog, Ace. I had forgiven her twice before and took her back for the sake of family. I loved her dearly and my family was just everything to me. I believe in forgiving all that forgiveness will allow. Forget about having her will never get better because she has destroyed the trust. You will anguish ever time she leaves the house. I was so beaten up. I cried and asked God "What did I ever do to be so punished having committed no offense?!" I became suicidal in a deep and scary depression. The night I was going to kill myself, I went to the little church my kindly old barber kept inviting me to...instead of taking my life, I took Jesus as my Savior. I found a new strength and purpose and it stays with me today.
I was alone for 11-yrs until I met my Ellen. We've been married almost 7-years now and it couldn't be better. It is time for you to move on. Be with your friends. Date girls that have your interests and like you for who you are. Another friend has already advised a lawyer so listen to that and do it quickly. What was love can quickly turn to hate in a divorce and she will have her circle of friends advising her on how to take you to the cleaners. It doesn't seem you have children with her so be grateful for that. Have some beers with your buddies but avoid drinking alone. It leads to depression and what I call "stinkin' thinkin'". You make things worse than they really are in your mind. Don't give yourself a "pity party". Do like ramcharger Joe and work on your car or make something. It never hurts to pray, my friend. You will get through this and come out better on the other side. It could be much worse. Good luck and God Bless.
Thank you for sowing your seed here with us my friend and brother, Your words show wisdom delivered to you and I am glad you received and we have you with us here. There was something told to me one time that my god is a Jealous god so that's way I don't believe in luck and give it to him, I do use the word luck myself though :-D

I can only offer my condolences and feel for you man!! When I entered into marriage with my wife, I made sure that I was completely commited to a lasting union. There is no room for doubt in a marraige, no room for question of integrity, and no room for former "friends" from facebook. His lack of integrity is what would really anger me. To not respect the feelings of both parties in a relationship is as much unacceptable as her actions. She doesn't respect your feelings and neither does he, and if they don't now, they never will.

Take care of you and what's yours, do not concern yourself with whats hers. She is not concerned with you and your feelings and never will be. Don't take any time to feel sorry for yourself, but instead feel sorry for her, she's the one who will lose in the long run. You still have your kids, your family, and your friends here at FABO, and all the support you need can be found in these circles. Good luck man, you will come out on top of this and that's a good feeling to know!!! Geof
Some more great advice 8) I have got to right this down :-D 30 year's married I am a blessed fellow :happy10: