My Wife Left Me Today -sucks

Facebook is just a tool. A #2 phillips screwdriver can tighten a wobbly table leg or pierce a kidney with equal ease. There is no difference between them. It comes down to the intent and actions of the user.

The new situation will suck for awhile... that's a given. Once the bond of trust has been broken in this way, she's gone. Period. Been there, done that, got half a t-shirt. The trick is to find an outlet for the inevitable bad energies you'll be experiencing.

While I don't wish anything bad upon my delightful ex-wife (not today, anyway) I wouldn't be a bit upset to learn of her having a stroke or falling off of something tall. She's just not worth the energy. She's doing her thing, I'm doing mine and never the twain shall meet.

I truely agree with this statement, but if the tool wasn't there, it wouldn't have been as easy to use. I'm not blaming the "tool", it is the users fault. We are all responsable for our actions. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink kinda of thing.

Anyway, I have never been through what you are going through, and am not going to say I know how you feel, but I wish you only the best and will pray for you too get through this with as little pain and greif as possable.