My Wife Left Me Today -sucks

Okay I'm not here to beat up on Mr. jackparlier1, even though I'd like to, you guys have done a fine enough job and I'm pretty sure he gets the picture, that yes this is "not" a car only site.
Why I am here is to make all you people that have been married more than once understand that "YOU'RE SCARING THE CRAP OUT OF ME".
I've been married to the same women for 27 yrs. and can't imagine us splitting up. Hell we survived for years when at times our life was nasty and stuck together.

But if it were to happen I'm left with this little snipit I once heard, "If you love something set it free and if it comes back it was meant to be, if it doesn't come back hunt it down and kill it"
Allright it's just a joke and I think it refers to someone's dog most certainly not their wife or loved one.:toothy10::toothy10::toothy10::toothy10:
