Can a shop make a stall converter??

I will strongly suggest you have the convertor rinsed out before the install,when they weld them back together welding spatter can and will get in there and will ruin the transmission,actually I recommend rinsing any new or rebuilt convertor.ask to see one and use one of those magnets on a stick and roll the convertor around a bit with the magnet in there and see what you find.....I have found this spatter in several brands of convertors from rebild shops to b&m To tci etc.I was lucky and only lost one transmission to the death ball's.the convertor rebuild shop that did mine were offended at what I told them at first but I asked to let me show them and they allowed me to show them on one of their new ready to ship out convertors...they paid me for the rebuild on my transmission and gave me the custom convertor for free and sponsored my car.