Winter Car cover idea's ?

A 2 hundred dolor investment and it was well worth it Sams has them.
She stays dry and is vented real good and keeps tree sap and leave of, And gives me a place to hid :-D

These do work good, I think they are better ventilated without the sides, but they suck during any snow fall. I had one over my wife's 56 Cadillac and I had to go out every couple hours during the snow just to knock the snow off. I got tired of that pretty quick and since her car is an unfinished project, I went back to just using a tarp for this coming winter. They don't have the strength to hold up over 2" of snow and will collapse from the weight. A guy across the street from me had one over his 66 Charger and failed to keep the snow off, now he has a lot of body work to do.

It's funny, I had that same tent and after looking at it over a Valiant, I realize how small these old A-Bodys are compared to a 56 Cadillac. I could barely move around the Caddy