Heater control valve

Anybody know where to get a new "correct" heater control valve for an air conditioned 1971? Everybody (Advance, Autozone, RockAuto etc) sell a unit that I am sure is the functional equivalent, but is nowhere near being correct - appearance wise.

Feel your pain trying to find this valve. The 1971 nomenclature part number I have for the 71 Valiant and Dart models is valve, water 3441 045. Maybe a dealer can cross that over to the current PN system. The ones around the Edge of the World could not. I ended up fabricating a braket and mounting an "incorrect" one from either Auto Zone or Rock Auto. The fact that I'm not using a "correct" valve is not evident to the casual observer. And for the ones that make an issue of it....:bootysha:. When someone else pays the bills, someone else can make the choice.