68 dart 318 troubleshooting challenge


yes, I bought this car 14 years ago when my wife and I first married. we had no idea what it was, it just looked awesome and my wife said "that is a cool car, you should buy it" well, I had to swing at that pitch! so, we buy it for 1700$, but we were young and broke and just starting out, so I fixed what I knew how, and could afford, but it was never fun to drive, because it needed more attention and money than we gave it so it sat a lot more than it drove.

so, fast foward, carrying the car from house to house, two businesses and three kids later. I find myself bieng one of those guys with a cool car sitting in the garage with boxes on the hood and my 6 year old says "when are we going to fix the hot rod" okay, it's now or never, so My wife, (Or, rather, my awesome wife) says "fix it" and we start spending money and learning how to fix mopars.

so, i know that doesn't answer your question, but yes, it did run, in fact, i put a new gas tank, sending unit, carb, fuel line, and filter on it and it ran better than it has in years. I was painting the dash, welding in floor pans, gluing on a plastic dash cap, re carpeting, etc. and starting it periodically just to hear it run.

ironically, I had told the kids to put their shoes on, ready to take them for a ride, when it would not start. I thought we were out of gas at first.

one way or another, I am done bieng "that guy" I have even caught myself in the past seeing someone with a cool car under a tarp in front of their house rotting away and thinking "I would never let that awesome car sit and rot like that!".......oh, yeah, I have an awesome car rotting in my garage right now.
What do have rotting? I have a 69 GTX that I stopped the bleeding on.
You have quite a history with your 68. Like I said we will get it running.