5 Random Things About Yourself

1. I'm very handy and have not found many things in my life I can't do initially on my own, or with just a little explanation.

2. I met my wife on a blind date, and we have been married over 31 years.

3. I was once a partner with a cousin in a dairy farm.

4. According to my family, I am very anal retentive about a lot of things and a perfectionist about most things. I can't help it if I have to have the toilet paper roll over the front not down the back.

5. Because I lost my dad in a job-related accident when I was nine years old, I committed myself to making sure I would be involved in my two son's lives as much as possible, so that they would know their dad, if anything ever happened to me. So far, I think I've done a pretty good job of it.