5 Random Things About Yourself

1. My sisters like to call me Jer'a or Jer bear and it makes me want to punch them. lol
2. I started out as a Ford fan, but my Dads friend took me for a ride in his Dodge truck when I was eight. Mopar ever since.
3. I owned two real HEMI cars before I was 20. 66 HEMI charger in 1999 at age 16, 70 HEMI 4spd runner in 2002 at age 20.
4. Ruptured my L5S1 disk when I was 23 and had major back problems. I couldn't walk for a wile, but with help from physical therapy and Doctors and lots of work, I do pretty good now with very little back pain. No surgery required. (I love acupuncture)
5. I am the oldest child, grandchild and great grandchild. My nephew got the same curse.