Camaro site debates mopar vs chevy

I was watching Top Gear. They had an SRT-8 out at bonneville. The best they could do was 150 with the front end all taped all up to for better aerodynamics.

Here is the vid


An he thinks 190 mph!

Just because you had another gear to go,doesnt mean it will
top out at that speed.

Cool vid.

Racing on the salt as well has its fair share of problems tho.

Ive done 185 mph on my hayabusa,(speed limited)
sure its a bike,a dif kettle of fish, but i know how much
road is needed to go that fast,an i know what its like at
a speed like that an i just cant imagine how the hell a
stock srt8 could even come close.
My honest opinion,in the right conditions,i think 165 mph
is what an srt8 challenger could do standard. Just my opinion tho.