Snow Tonight in Denver

This is last spring.She quit smiling when I threw her a shovel.:-D

LOL! Funny how that works....:-D

Please ramcharger, do not use those 4 letter words around here. (The dreaded S... word.) I am not ready for this discussion.

I am just getting used to Summer and I am not ready for it to end.

Most likely we might have some "stuff" on the grass is all. :-D Summer's good but I can do without the 90+ degree days. 50-75F is perfect for me. :)

...and tomorrow is officially the first day of Autumn. In SoCal, that means you change from the short white socks you wear with shorts to your long white socks - same shorts year 'round.
Enjoy the early snow. Better there than here. LOL.

I've seen it snow on the 4th of July in the mountains. That was weird, Fireworks and snow. I've also seen a good 12"+ in the first week of Sept., so this is just fine. The good news is that it never sticks around for very long. Even in January & December it melts in a couple weeks.......usually.