Got Laid Off Today ! 19yrold

Good luck and filing right away was the smart thing to do. Things could be worse and be thankful you're still living at home.

I wish my Adopted daughters can read this thread.
They both rushed out of the house as son as their hormones kicked in because they had all the asswers.
We begged and pleaded with them to finish school, college, and get good jobs but they decided that dropping out of highschool and college and shacking up with losers was the way to go.
Now they are wishing they would have listened to Mom and Dad who were more than willing to help them succeed in any way, but they decided not only to burn the bridge, but blow the thing to smithereens.
So now we see all the whining daily stories on facebook about how bad their life sucks.

My point?

Respectfully take advantage of all that you Parents have to offer, advice, guidance, and help because it is a rough world out there and will eat you alive if you think you have all the answers without a freaking clue as is the case with so many young adults who fall for the "Parents are the enemy" crap, then they flush their lives down the toilet.

Working in a machine shop is pretty cool for a 19 year old.
Sounds like you have some good skills under your belt already, and not many guys your age can say the restored a car to completion so it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and can make some pretty good things happen for yourself.

Do you have any continued schooling/certifications under your belt?