Got Laid Off Today ! 19yrold

My oldest adopted Daughter had life by the balls.
She had a full time job, was going to college, had $15-k saved up in the bank, we helped her establish prefect credit, just got a really decent used car, and we were encouraging her to use the money for a down payment on a house.
Everythng was fine and we were holding her hand through life, spending so, so much time with her to make sure she was making the right decisions so she could have a great start in life since her childhood was so horrible with her birth family.

She was milestones past 95% of kids her age, but she decided she just HAD, just HAD to shack up with this freaking loser *** boyfriend of hers despite numerous warnings from not only us, her parents, but her best friends, coworkers and other adults in her life, but despite all that she just had to shack up with Mr. smartmouth, cocky punk with no clue, going no freakingwhere fast, and moved in with him and got married right away.

I'm not making this up guys.
When left to her own devices, she got fired from her job, dropped out of college, spent all her money, wrecked her car, ruined her credit, lost all respect and contact with all of her friends and severed her ralationship with her parents all within 1 freaking month.
Now the idiot got her knocked up because she was whoring around with anyone who would give her positive attention so it was his way of keeping her around.
BUT, if you ask her why her life sucks, It's all her rotten Parents fault.

I'm still trying to see the logic in that last one after all we did for her.

She must have set a great example for her younger Sister, because that one decided to move out, drop out of highschool shack up with some lesbian druggie losers from school and their scum bag parents who let them party in their home among other things.

But if you ask them, it's all their rotten parents fault.

Now I know what it means to say "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."
i am always amazed at how people refuse to accept responsibilities for there own actions. sounds like you did everything you could for both of them. you can only hope at this point that someday they will realize what they had and how they lost it. bit talk about an uphill battle at this point, especially for the older one.