I lost my bestfriend last night!

When I was a kid my gram had a dog that looked just like yours.. I am very sorry for you loss.. thats so sad.. You did the right thing though.. I was faced with the same decision when I was 17 and made the wrong choice.. my beloved dog Angel was with me from the time I was a small boy.. She got sick when I was 17 and the vet told me I needed to put her down.. but I just could not let go.. I was devastated.. I flipped out at the vets office, and made my mom drive me back home (she drove me and Angel there) .. I took Angel back home with me.. in the largest grief stricken version of denial I have ever experienced.. she died in my arms a few days later... I have felt guilt about that decision ever since.. Im 41 now and not a day goes by I dont miss her, and wish I could go back and end her suffering the right way.. Now Panda and Angel are in a better place and running wild lol.. chin up my friend..