I hate beavers.

Get your mind out of the gutter. I hate beavers. They have almost ruined three of our ponds and I just couldn't see them too shoot. Well, I made a extension for the bobcat too bust the dam, waited until almost dark and shoot two of em, I think. I just thought I should share. Does anybody know of anyway too get rid of them? Other than shooting of coarse.

I've only ever used lead to get rid of them. You gotto plan your day around the dynamite. Blow the dam in the morning and when they come to repair it, and they will come, pick them off. It's best to have 2 or 3 shooters as you'll only get a few shots off. They'll keep coming back all day long to repair the hole. The other thing you can do, and yes it's mean cuss you gotto kill the whole family, If it's cold enough in the winter where you are to form ice you find their lodge and in the middle of the winter blow the dam closest to it so you lower the water level really fast. When they come out they'll freeze to death and if they wait to long to come out their lodge exit will be freeze in which case they'll parish from hunger. Mean but effective.
