Portable garages?

That one you are looking at looks very nice and strong :cheers:
Here is the one I picked up at Sams for $200 and it held up to heavy snow and two real bad ice storms, I like the 4 window and booth ends open to drive through.
I got lucky to get one that is almost the same color of my house :happy10:
As you can see it has a side door to walk in and it has 1 1/2'' pipe holding it all together

I "had" one like that, any snow over 8in it started to sag and had to brush if off ever few hours in a bad snowstorm.Then we got a real strong windstorm and the metal legs ended up knocking part of my neighbors chimney and then stuffed through there roof. Blew up and over a 12FT hedge never even touched the car and it ripped out steel anchors in the driveway.

I like the round one looks pretty sturdy