motor install question

I would definitely put the bell housing on the motor. The trans too if you have room to install it as a unit. If not. Just bolt on your pressure plate and be sure to use a clutch alignment tool. Put the bell housing on and put the fork and release bearing in place in the housing. The bearing and fork sit loosly but that will allow you to stab the trans in place. Use a little ease so you won't knock the bearing off of the fork installing the trans. A Trans jack works really nice for this since the trans is so heavy. If you can keep the rear of the motor at a down ange it gives a little more room to manuever the trans into place. Once it's in check the fork and bearing to make sure they are in the proper alignment and on the trans shaft and it moves in and out. You won't be able to move it much without trying to depress the pressure plate but that's normal. Put the z bar on after the engine is installed. Good luck. Hope this helps.