Anyone self employed?

<waving up at GT Dave my fabulous decal guy :-D>

Now in my third year of self-employment, I've found that I've learned a lot more than I ever expected to along the way. It's still up in the air as to whether this venture is better than workin' for lawyers ... sure, the money was a heckuva lot better over there but I love this job more than anything (haven't "worked" a day since I started) so I'm not inclined to throw in the towel just yet.

I have no local competition to speak of, but I don't really have any local customers either ['hey, whuz power coatin'?" as they spit Skoal on my shoes]. I've been observing djwhog's Five Tips For Success up there since the outset though -- way before I saw them in print lol -- because I try to put myself in my customers' place. I won't call myself a savvy business woman but do try to keep my mind open to new ideas, and I'm not afraid to jump in with both feet if it's something I believe in. Sometimes my toes just singed a bit but it's trial by fire baby! It will never be a success if ya don't at least TRY.

I admire all of you for your commitments to excellence and for doing your own thing, even in trying times like these.