Cheap headers, and power steering?

sorry - just realized i had been asked a question and never responded.

Poppa - all i can say is it took me a while, lots of sweat and some cursing but i did it.
1 - loosen engine mount bolts and jack up engine as far as you can
2 - make sure headers are lined up properly and then pull them off the studs and raise them as high as you can
3 - i am short so i stood on a tire and just kept shimmying the pow steering box into place while maneuvering the headers out of the way until i got the box between the headers and the mount
4 - from there i just turned/twisted etc until i could get the top bolt into the pow steering box to keep the box in place
5 - then i went beneath car and did the other 2 bolts
6 - make sure starter is in now too!
7 - tightened everythin up, installed oil filter on left side, dropped the engine down, tightened eng mounts and header bolts and voila. lost about 10 pounds of sweat, ripped all my knuckles open and cursed like a sailor all the while, but it got done!!

an extra set of hands is a HUGE help by the way!