Kinda lost it while driving today (dumb).

this past june 1 was my daughter's first bday so we took her to a local zoo. got out at about 5pm and hit traffic on 95 going home. no biggie. got off the first exit to take backroads and i the exit ramp is prob 1/4 mile long. well i see a guy flailing his arms and on his cell phone and he is on my ***. my baby is in the backseat and when she is in the car i drive much more carefully AND have even less tolerance for fu&kheads.

well i get to the light and figure i'll go left, he'll pass me and that will be that. nope he takes a left. still on my *** and yapping away. ok next light i take a right, as does he. now i have gestured politely to back off and he hasn't so, like an ***, out goes the 1 finger salute. then i see him flash his undercover lights.

damn. now in 18 years of driving i have NO tickets, no accidents, and between all the cars/trucks/bikes i've ever owned i cant say how many thousands of miles i've driven. it's a warm june day and the baby is in the backseat with the sun pouring on her. this jackhole cop keeps my family there for more than 30 minutes. makes me get out car, searches me, asks me why i am driving in mass with a NH license, why i am driving my girlfriends car and not her, blah blah. i looked him straight in the eye and said "i do not appreciate anyone riding my bumper while talking on a cell phone and gesturing wildly - esp when my daughter is with me" to which he respoded that he "ddrives every day and knows what a safe following distance is".
uhm no you don't. it is at least 2 car lengths and if he was 1 car length behind i'd be surprised.

no ticket cos i didnt do anything wrong but i really wanted a ticket so i could see him in court and have his phone records solicited. i appreciate the true plice officers, i dont really have much use for the egomaniacs with a badge as this guy was.

to top it off the town's police department called me to donate to there chapters fundraiser. yep the check is in the mail..........