360 Help

Hey Joe!;

Simple, Information left out of the post leads me to a conservitive cam choice rather than a more aggresive shaft. I would rather have torque than not where it counts more so than not. He's gear ratio is limited and as his stall converter rating.

Also, due to the head flow, a major key in cam choice is not listed but only mentioned that it will be ported inthe future with 2.02 valves.

Since there is missing info;

Car weight
head flow
exact intake, only listed as performance, which means what intake....don't assume now.
actual intended useage of the car beside a basic time frame he wants to run in and driveabilty, the choices are not so good.

Limiting factors like the stall converter and rear end gear ratio will not allow for larger cams to operate as intended. It isn't that he can't install and drive with a larger cam, but it becomes a off balanced package. The compresion ratio is there no doubt.

With 10 extra degress of duration, he'll loose a little low end torque and gain even less at the top end. He'll need a large stall converter (More money) a higher gear ratio (More money) and a possible intake change (What intake is that again?)

I gave a soultion based on the available info and general permeters of what will work for a 13 second area car.

OH, I use 750 cfm carbs on stock 360/400 engines with low compresion and dead cams with stock heads and exhaust manifolds. Though I like to tell people to dump the exhaust manifolds, they insist on it sometimes.

Calling Comp Cams is fine. However, I suggest you call them several times and see how many different answers you get from of course different tech guys. Then call Lunati, Huges, Bullet, Schinder,etc... and see how opinions vary from the exact same description you give them.

OH, with a cam of approx. 240 @ .050, you should be able to run high 12's fully dressed.

In the end, he'll do what he'll do.

I also think of it this way. IF a stock '70 340 can run 14's, then a slightly modified 340 with the basic bolt on's (Intake headers and maybe a carb upgrade) can run high 13's, how much more cam can it take to run a half second?

The OE 340 cam in a large 20+ engine with lots of stroke to aid in torque and a good bit of compresion to back it up and the above listed performance parts added on to it. Even if the intake is a Performer.