duplicolor paint shop

Holy cow 2 GALONS to paint a car :lol: it shouldnt take that much, remember on a base/clear job you reduce the paint 1/1 so with a galon you have 2 galons RTS(ready to spray) which is more then enough to do a car, probably even enough to do a huge Fury III. I did my 89 daytona with 3qts(unreduced) and i jamed it, did the engine bay and whole car. I may even have more then that left i wanna say its close to a 1/3 of a galon left of paint unreduced.

Omni is cheap and SS is the way to go for cheap, once the color looses its shine just run a buffer over it and it looks new again, i wouldnt do it for something i want to last(but i do body work so I would spend the extra right away) but I would definatlly use SS omni over dupilicolors paint.

I had a friend who wanted to paint his car and kept bragging up Duplicolors Ready to spray, when i told him its laqure paint and what it does/how bad it was, and after more aguing he finally got it.

Besides how hard is it to mix paint at 1/1 lol