Looking for Window Fuzzies for my 74 Duster

What the heck did I do wrong in posting my reply? I was just trying to help.

Your title should have read "Looking for used fuzzies, not new ones".

In my 40+ years being a car guy, you take the cake.

Why should my title have read differently than what I was looking for? I have used ones on my car, they need to be replaced. I simply asked if someone had new ones they had that they had purchased, weren't going to use and wanted to sell them. I didn't ask if anyone knows where I can buy them new because I knew that and it don't matter that no one knew that I knew or that they didn't know how much experience I have because that wasn't what I asked for. I was simply trying to save a few bucks over new and put some into the pocket of another member at the same time. I probably should have been more clear since it appears that people missed that part of the post.

I don't eat cake so I wouldn't take it. In 40 years of being a "car guy" you either don't get out much or you keep to yourself when out if you think I take the cake. I've seen guys in my 30+ years that you wouldn't believe are not locked up in an institution.